Tri-County Baseball League

Johnson is no stranger to the struggles of business, having filed for Replica Handbags UK bankruptcy in 2012, but to her it's all part of the ride. "It ain't hard when you love it," she deadpanned. "It's beautiful when you love it, and I still love it after 50 years. I still love it. I'm creative consultant for all my brands, so I kick them in the ass when they need to get a little more Replica Designer Handbags creative. It's great. It's just perfect. I've had a Cheap Watches UK perfectly wonderful, happy life."As for her plans for the Fake Watches UK awards ceremony, she'll attend with her family, including her daughter, Lulu, Hublot Replica UK and two granddaughters. "I'm going to drag my whole family on stage to cartwheel with me," she laughed about what she'll do when she accepts the Christian Louboutin Replica UK award. Just another thing to look forward to at the CFDA Awards ceremony on June 1.

Minutes of meeting

Wednesday, September 18, 1996

7:30 p.m., Spring Valley A.A.


Absent:  Woody's, Quakertown, Upper Perk


old Business:


Banquet:  D.J. "stunk".  Hall of Fame Presentations, particularly Bob Ravier, were good, heard throughout the room and of appropriate length. 


Some representatives mentioned career stats being omitted in the banquet book.  T. Greb mentioned he omitted them to keep costs down.  Also, there was a problem with statistics data being able to be scanned into T. Greb's computer, which will have to be rectified before next year.  Also, it was mentioned that attendance was down, and some teams never send more than one or two representatives.  In order to improve publicity, it was suggested the banquet be listed in the paper under "Coming Events".  This will be tried for next year.  Also, J. Ciganick suggested making up a flyer that could be handed out before the end of the season to each team, since apparently members of some teams are unaware of the banquet.  This could be tried for 1997 to see if attendance improves.


New "Mystery" team:  Will NOT be at Mountainville -- they were not given permission to use field.  Team is currently searching for a field.  New team will make application at first meeting of 1997, at which time we can determine if we want them.  (By-Laws regarding playoffs, etc., will have to allow for flexibility regarding number of divisions and teams.)


New Business:


Nominating Committee:  Kevin Hutter, Jason Young, Jim Marouchoc


By-Law Committee:  Jan Ciganick, Dave Ernst, Bill Fatzinger, Dave Hemerly, Don Rosenberger, Steve Smull, Dave Snyder.  Meeting at:  Dave Ernst's House, Thursday, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m.  Anyone wishing to attend is welcome.  Anyone unable to attend who has a concern he wishes addressed at the meeting should contact a member of the By-Law Committee.


Double-Rostering:  Managers strongly believe it is up to each individual team to decide whether to include double-rostered players and how to handle their situation.  It should not be the decision of the League, and there should be no By-Law regarding double-rostered players.  D. Hemerly will present League position to BML.


Note from President:  Thanks all team representatives, players and officers for an outstanding year.



Treasurer's Report :  October 23, 1996


Previous Balance                                                                                              $    977.66

Income:  as of 9-27

            Center Valley (balance)            $ 155.00

            Milford (banquet ads)                 100.00

            Hall of Famers (banquet)             135.00

Total Income:                                                                                                       390.00



            Todd Greb, banquet book        $ 285.00

            Dave Snyder, liquor                       32.68

            Joe La Bella, phone bill                  13.36

            Jan Ciganick, postage                      8.00

            C.J. Wagner, trophies                  313.34

Total Expenses:                                                                                                   652.38

Ending Balance:                                                                                                    715.28


Monies Owed:  Due and payable immediately!

Castle Hill                                 paid (check made payable to Dave Snyder, who is tracking it down)

Easton Bulldogs                        paid                                                                                                     

Northern Yankees                    paid                                                                                                     

South Whitehall                        paid

Woody's                                  $100 + $50.95 (balls)  + $40 no-shows + $20 fine 9-18 $ 210.95

Allentown Senators                   paid

Center Valley                           paid                                                                 

ICC Pirates                              paid                                                                                         

Limeport Bulls                          $50 banquet                                                                 $   50.00

Silver Creek                             $100 banquet                                                               $ 100.00

East Texas                                paid                                                                 

Gabelsville                                paid

Milford                                     paid                                         

Quakertown                             banquet no-shows $40 + $20 fine 9-18                       $    60.00        

Upper Perk                              $20 fine 9-18                                                               $    20.00        

            TOTAL OWED  by teams (not including BML)                                              $  440.95

            Blue Mountain League owes us $135.24.                                                              135.24

                                                                                                                                    $  576.19


Banquet financial report



            Initial contribution by teams via league fee

                        15 teams x $20                                                 $    300.00

            Banquet Ads (14 teams @ $100)                                   $ 1,400.00

                        (note: Allentown Senators receive credit for banquet book)

            Banquet Tickets, by team:

                        Castle Hill                                 90.00

                        Easton Bulldogs                        65.00

                        Northern Yankees                    30.00

                        South Whitehall                        30.00

                        Woody's                               160.00  includes $40 for 4 no-shows

                        Allentown Senators                       (0)

                        Center Valley                        250.00

                        ICC Pirates                                  (0)

                        Limeport Bulls                       225.00

                        Silver Creek                                (0)  one complimentary ticket

                        East Texas                                90.00

                        Gabelsville                             105.00

                        Milford                                     30.00

                        Quakertown                             40.00  4 no-shows

                        Upper Perk                              75.00

                                    Total banquet tickets by team                                1,190.00

            Hall of Fame tickets:

                        Slotter                                      45.00

                        Jamicky                                    30.00

                        Kriebel                                     60.00

                        Bonekemper                             30.00

                                    Total Hall of Fame tickets                                       165.00


                                                TOTAL INCOME                                  3,055.00





            West End Youth Center                  1,654.27

            Always Oldies - DJ                           300.00

            Wine&Spirits Shoppe - liquor            92.68

                                    Total Banquet                                                   2,046.95


            Todd Greb - banquet program      285.00

            C.J. Wagner - trophies                 263.04

            C.J. Wagner #2                              50.30

                                    Total Tri-County                                                 598.34

Hall of Fame:

                        Pondelek's Florist                     29.68

                        Gibson's Trophies                  245.91

                        Chuck Frantz (plaque)         350.00

                        Postage                                     4.97

                                    Total Hall of Fame                                               630.56




                        TOTAL EXPENSES                                                    3,275.85


NET LOSS                                                                                          $  220.85