Tri-County Baseball League - Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, January 10, 7:00 p.m., Jordan A.C.

Absent: Cetronia; Gabelsville; Limeport; Milford; Stahleys Late: Jordan Creek

Johnson is no stranger to the struggles of business, having filed for Replica Handbags UK bankruptcy in 2012, but to her it's all part of the ride. "It ain't hard when you love it," she deadpanned. "It's beautiful when you love it, and I still love it after 50 years. I still love it. I'm creative consultant for all my brands, so I kick them in the ass when they need to get a little more Replica Designer Handbags creative. It's great. It's just perfect. I've had a Cheap Watches UK perfectly wonderful, happy life."As for her plans for the Fake Watches UK awards ceremony, she'll attend with her family, including her daughter, Lulu, Hublot Replica UK and two granddaughters. "I'm going to drag my whole family on stage to cartwheel with me," she laughed about what she'll do when she accepts the Christian Louboutin Replica UK award. Just another thing to look forward to at the CFDA Awards ceremony on June 1.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday February 7th @ 7pm Jordan AC

Guest: Rusty Hood from the BUA

Due next meeting: See Below for Team balances owed

Due March 15th: Field dates for schedules


Treasurer’s Report-


Ray Ganser commented on the terrible turnout at the Yearly Tri-Co banquet.  The league lost $650 due to no shows.  Please contact an officer if you have any ideas

on how to improve turnout.  It will be mandatory to buy at least 5 banquet tickets for each team from now on.  Below is the updated list of what each team owes:


Gabelsville                  $135.00

Lehigh Twsp                $205.00

Stahley’s                     $193.95

Limeport                      $273.95

Jordan Creek               $50.00

Cetronia                      $20.00

Milford                         $170.00

Northern Yankees             $40.00

South Whitehall             $20.00




Mike Cunningham of Lower Nazareth made a motion to approve the Treasury report.  The motion was seconded by Steve Rush of Upper Perk.


Lee Higgins of the Northern Yankees made a motion to approve the new officers.  The motion was seconded by Mike Cunningham. 


The new officers are as follows:

Commissioner: Ted Meixell

President: Steve Smull

Secretary: Bruce Sokol

Mike Brosious will continue as Vice-President as will Ray Ganser as Treasurer.  Steve Smull will also continue as the Statistician and as Tri-Co webmaster.  Marty Rowan will also continue to do a great job as the league’s Publicity Director.


All proposed by-law changes were voted upon and approved with the exception of Article 8 Section 3 “you can start a game with 8 players to avoid a forfeit” which was not passed.



The BUA contract was discussed, pending approval by the BUA.  If the BUA accepts the Umpire contract, they will name an umpire assignor.  In all likleyhood, John Bachart will be the assignor.  Rusty Hood and John Bachart will be present at the next league meeting.



Stahley’s will not have a team this year, which will bring the Tri-Co down to 12 teams.  Bob Fatzinger of Tri-City is looking into moving into the field at Scherersville vacated  by Stahley’s. 


Steve Rush will be stepping down as coach of Upper Perk.  Bob Gehringer will replace him.


League wide insurance was brought up for discussion.  Tri-City pays $400 a year for team insurance.  It will be discussed further at the next meeting. 


Does anyone know a lawyer that would donate his/her time to be our League Soliciter?  If you do, please contact a league officer.


Would anyone like to head the Hall of Fame Committee?  If not, Ray Ganser will gladly do it.


Jason Strunk of the Northern Yankees has a new email address:

Jpstrunk@hotmail .com